Hello, My Ekklesia Family,
Today and everyday let's get the full benefit from patience...
Say this with me: “Patience is perfecting me—I am whole, complete, and lacking nothing!”
James 1:4 declares, “But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” This scripture reminds us that patience is more than just waiting—it is a divine process that matures us, strengthens us, and brings us into the fullness of God’s plan.
In the original Greek, the word for "perfect" (teleios) means mature and fully developed, while "entire" (holoklēros) means whole and sound in every part. This means that when patience has completed its work, we will be spiritually mature, emotionally stable, and fully equipped for what God has called us to do.
Waiting is never wasted in God’s kingdom. Every delay, every trial, and every moment of endurance is shaping you into the person God destined you to be. Like gold refined in fire, patience purifies our faith, strengthens our character, and deepens our trust in God’s timing.
Ekklesia Family, where is God teaching you patience today?
In your faith – Trust that what God promised will come to pass in His perfect time.
In your relationships – Allow patience to bring healing, reconciliation, and deeper love.
In your purpose – Don’t rush the process; God is preparing you for greater things!
Instead of resisting patience, embrace it as God’s tool for transformation. Declare daily:"I will wait on the Lord with joy, because He is making me whole, complete, and lacking nothing!"
Heavenly Father, thank You for the work of patience in our lives. Help us to embrace the waiting season, knowing that You are perfecting us. Strengthen our faith, renew our minds, and remind us that in You, we lack nothing. We surrender our timelines to You and trust in Your perfect plan. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
If you have not yet fully surrendered to Jesus, today is your day. God’s work in you begins with salvation, and He promises to complete what He started! Join us at or visit us in person—we would love to walk with you on this journey of faith.
Peace and Blessings,
Pastor Stephan