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May God Give You...


Today is my 53rd Birthday, but I don't feel very "birthday-ish". I'm truly grateful to see another day and another year, just feels like something is missing. Ever been there?

I'm discovering in moments like this is when we need to seek God the most. The Bible says the God is a very present help in the times of trouble. Most people think trouble is when things are just chaotic and totally out of control. But I am a witness, you can feel troubled when you're all by yourself. I'm learning to pray to tell God exactly where I am in life that where I am is not comfortable. I'm telling God exactly how I feel. It's hard to find His Joy when I'm in this position. It's difficult to be an encouragement to others (although as I'm writing this, it may eventually strengthen you).

I'm finding telling God exactly where I am helps me to realize God is allowing me to see, visualize and describe my condition, many people hurt and don't recognize it. I see evidence in my life that God is and always been there. That He is a very present help, that He is strength when I'm weak. He is my Joy in sorrow... you know the stuff Steph preaches about. This level of transparency is something God wants from us, to just be honest and not afraid to ask for help.

Today, even though I am feeling... blah... I have strength to pray for and encourage you... Ekklesia May God heal and restore you. May He give you grace and favor. And may life teach you how good God really is This is my prayer 4 you. In Jesus name, amen!

Love u more than u know, Steph 😊🥰❤🙏🏾

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 Sunday Worship 12noon 



*Bible Study and Midweek Prayer  7pm

(*This service is currently On-Line Only)


3960 Cane Run Rd                      PO Box 16033

Louisville, KY 40211            Louisville, KY 40256


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