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Finding Peace in God's Perspective

Scripture: Romans 12:18 (NIV)

_"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone."_

GmEkklesia, there are times when separation from those who have hurt us becomes necessary for our peace and growth. It is a difficult journey, especially when they paint us as the villains in their narrative. However, God's perspective provides us with the strength and clarity to move forward.

Romans 12:18 calls us to live at peace with everyone, as much as it depends on us. This doesn't mean enduring toxic relationships or continuously subjecting ourselves to harm. Sometimes, the most peaceful and loving action we can take is to distance ourselves, allowing healing and growth for both parties involved.

Paul's letter to the Romans emphasizes the importance of peace in Christian living. He acknowledges the complexity of human relationships and the reality that peace is not always attainable due to the actions or perceptions of others. The phrase "as far as it depends on you" highlights our responsibility to seek peace without compromising our well-being or values.

Ekklesia, here is how we can apply this lesson...

1. Seek God’s Guidance: Begin with prayer, asking God to show you the right steps to take. He knows your heart and the heart of the other person involved.

2. Set Healthy Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries to protect your emotional and spiritual health. Boundaries are not barriers but safeguards that promote respect and understanding.

3. Forgive and Release: Forgiveness is crucial, not just for them but for your own healing. Release any bitterness or resentment, entrusting the situation to God.

4. Embrace Your Identity in Christ:

Remember who you are in Christ. Your identity is not defined by others' opinions but by God's love and purpose for you.

Heavenly Father, we come before You seeking Your peace and guidance. Help us to forgive those who have hurt us and to release any bitterness. Show us how to set healthy boundaries and to walk in Your love and truth. May we find our identity in You alone and not be swayed by the opinions of others. Fill our hearts with Your peace that surpasses all understanding. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

LoveUmorethanUknow, Pastor Stephän Kirby

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