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Something We Can Do Together

Good morning my Ekklesia Family 

I'm tired of the fighting.  I'm tired of bickering. I'm tired of conversations complaining about what someone is or is not doing. I'm tired of haters hating on the progress of others... In case you can't tell, I'm tired 😊 I'm tired because all of these negative things take and consume positive energy.  Energy that can be used to do productive things like the edification and encouragement of one another. Can you imagine how great life would be if everyone left the mindset of negativity? We need something everyone can do to help us get on one page... 

 In today's Word the writer of Hebrews states "Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works." Hebrews 10:24 NLT

Think...Who will you be a positive blessing to today?

❤ u more than u know Peace and Blessings Stephan Kirby 

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