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What are You Going to Do with This Golden Opportunity

The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!

John 1:29 NLT

How many times have we allowed golden opportunities to passes by? Opportunities that would have made us happy, possibly rich, gave us peace, maybe a chance to better ourselves from our current conditions. Were we just too busy, consumed with the same situations that have not produced any progress towards our dreams and goals? Or were we just scared, afraid to try something new, fearful to let the unproductive things go try something different to explore this golden opportunity? Maybe, its because we have become comfortable so comfortable were we are that we don't want to experience anything else.

Either case don't let this golden opportunity pass you by! And what is this opportunity, Stephan is telling you about today? Is he trying to sell me something? No. Is he trying to get me into a get rich scheme that will have us all going to jail? No.

This golden opportunity is called "today". Today is a gift from God I say it's a gift because is something we don't deserve. Many of us should have died yesterday in our sins that we know we did not ask God to forgive us for! But today, God gives us breath, He gives us life, He gives us another opportunity to get things right to find that peace and happiness, to chase those dreams...

Look at today's text...

The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!

John 1:29 NLT

"The next day..." There is your golden opportunity. When John saw Jesus coming his way, he realized Jesus represents everything that is "Better" than what he had. And with today God is giving you the same opportunity do you see it? Will you seize it? I pray you will.

Love U more than U know, Stephan

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