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Good Morning My Ekklesia Family Nothing But You Who do I have in heaven but You? And I desire nothing on earth but You. Psalms 73:25 HCSB I, the Preachaman, have to confess… I sometimes sit back and watch the success of worldly people, not out of envy or jealously, but in amazement and wonder. In comparison, I work hard too? Why don’t I have it like them? Dang, there I go again… thinking too much… over analyzing analytical probabilities of the I shoulda, coulda, wouldas. Deep sigh, Lord I repent, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t let my mind run off to what someone else has or is doing. I need to be focused on what you have for and want from me. In Psalms 73, the Psalmist felt the same way… he almost got caught up in his feelings because of evil people being more successful, and almost doubted the anointing on his life. He couldn’t understand why things were this way until he went to church! (Verses 16,17) Then things became more clear. Why am I tripping? GOD has always been right there! Verse 25… And I desire nothing on earth but You. Our thoughts can’t be consumed with the success of others. Remember what God has promised you will happen. We need to desire nothing but Him. Father Thank you for your presence in my life. You just being there is enough for me. In Jesus Name Amen

❤u more than u know Peace and Blessings Stephan Kirby  

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