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Yes, Lord I want YOUR Strength!

Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.

2 Corinthians 12:9 NLT

In context 2 Corinthians 12:1-10

I am blessed to say that I have some great sister/nieces they are my nieces because we're family but they have become my sisters because of Christ. One in particular really loves my way of preaching and teaching because the way I chose to present myself is as someone who is transparent. Some people don't like transparency because they feel like you are revealing too much of yourself, I see that as the opposite. And that’s simply because, we live in a world where people have become so independent. Striving to be strong in the workplace, striving to be strong in the homes, striving to be strong everywhere in society has brought on a spirit of competition and this is making our relationships fragile and unstable. We are acting and living as if we are self-sufficient. We were never designed by God to be self-sufficient. We were designed to totally trust and depend on God. The more we depend on ourselves for the success, we eliminate God out of our lives. I think the Apostle Paul wanted to do so much more for God. That he was putting himself in a position where he wanted to do it without God. So God allowed the devil to give him a thorn. The thorn represents our vices. That one thing, we all have and we cannot get rid of. That thing we know about but we don’t want others to know about. So Paul ask God can you take this thorn away from me? And God’s reply was, after three tries. “No. My Grace is all you need. My power works best when you are weak.” So Paul learned how to boast, brag, celebrate and become transparent about his weaknesses. Because that’s the power God wanted him to have. That’s the power where Christ can work best through each of us. So today I want you to learn how to embrace what makes you weak and ask God to allow that to help make you strong.

I love you more than you know.

Peace and blessings. Stephan

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