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Check Your Motives

Good Morning my Ekklesia Family 

This time of year many are in the giving spirit... wanting to help, going the extra mile... but where was all this giving March - September? Many people give this time of year because its popular, because its CHRISTMAS, because they see others doing it. 

 I pray we are NOT motivated by these things. My prayer for us is, we give because God give to us. We give because of the Love of God, this is our motivation.  

 The best Prayer is the one that asks God for nothing and the best way to give is not looking to get anything in return.

 God sees your heart so with whatever you give, remember God will judge you in accordance to your intentions and motives. If you are doing kind things for selfish and self serving reasons, it is best not to give at all.

For the Lord sees clearly what a man does, examining every path he takes. Proverbs 5:21 NLT ❤ u more than u know 

Peace and Blessings Stephan 

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