Full Joy
Good Morning Saints of God. Word for the Day ( Full Joy) John 15-11 "THESE THINGS HAVE I SPOKEN UNTO YOU... THAT YOUR JOY MIGHT BE FULL" REMEMBER THAT THE TRUTHS I TEACH YOU HAVE ALL BEEN GIVEN TO YOU (AS TO MY DISCIPLES ). With love God has given you that overflowing JOY, That kind of Joy MAN didn't give you, or MAN can't take away!!!!!!!!!! Search for the Joy in Life. Hunt for it like a hidden treasure. LOVE AND LAUGH. Delight yourself in the LORD!!!!!!!! Put your Joy in me. Full Joy, I wanted for My Disciples to have. I intended them to have it. If they had lived My Teachings out in their daily lives they would have had fullness of Joy!!!!!!!!! To have Fullness of Joy, one has to want it and search for it like a treasure that is hidden, in the Word of God!!!!!! The Real Truth, Comes from the Word. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God!!!!!!!!! Pastor Sheryl House SELAH